by Zoë Davis
open 24/7
consumerism: a new century’s alchemy
yellow stickers ½ off
bosu balls, broccoli
industrial fans, plums
pinch ‘em like a cheek
ripe as sin
could be used as a phylactery
get three
for two
strawberries, will writing kit
been meaning to get round to that
where’ve the seasons gone?
time to throw another shroud on the coffin
swipe clubcard for latest offers
outdoor reared
so fresh you can put an ear to it
hear the moos
fresh as the sea
donuts to fill the space
of a spider-webbed heart
best of the northern kingdoms
you mustn’t glance at the discount aisle
dented beans, a wilting plant
it’s amazing how life can be extracted
from the nearly dead
especially when it is priced so cheaply
Zoë Davis is an emerging writer from Sheffield, England. A quality engineer in advanced manufacturing by day, she spends her evenings and weekends writing poetry and prose, and especially enjoys exploring the interaction between the fantastical and the mundane, with a deeply personal edge to her work. You can find her words in publications such as: Ink Sweat & Tears, Strix, Roi Fainéant, Dust and Red Ogre Review. You can also follow her on X @MeanerHarker where she’s always happy to have a virtual coffee and a chat.